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Five Types of Issues Not Covered by Workers Compensation

What Are Five Types of Issues That Are Not Covered by Workers Compensation?


Workers’ comp provides benefits to employees who are injured or become ill as a result of their job.


At times, life can take unexpected turns. Health issues, accidents and unforeseeable events can cause turmoil in our lives, affecting both the mind and body. 


Thankfully, Workers’ Comp insurance provides a helping hand to those who require it most — offering support and safety nets for employees who have been injured due to their job or work conditions. 


Have you ever wondered what’s not covered by Workers Compensation? If you’ve ever been an employee or business owner in the state of Florida, it’s important to understand the parameters of the system. 


After all, if a workplace emergency arises, it’s often those workers compensation regulations that will determine whether medical costs are covered—and who is responsible for their payment! 


It may surprise you to learn just which scenarios and issues don’t quite fall within its scope: In this blog post we’re exploring five key areas of trouble that isn’t included with your basic workers comp package. Let’s get started!


Workers Compensation Does Not Cover Violence

Intentional Injuries: The workplace can be a dangerous place. From slips and falls to serious injuries, accidents happen all the time.

If you engage in misconduct or recklessness that results in an injury, workers comp won’t kick in. That means your employer can’t be held accountable and medical costs are on you.


Every year, millions of American workers face the threat of violence while on the job. Though official records report 2 million victims per annum, experts believe that number is much higher given how many incidents go unreported. Those stats are taken from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).


Fortunately, workers compensation is there to help you out in case of an accident or injury. But what happens when the workplace hazard isn’t an accident? As it turns out, your workers comp might not cover you if you’re injured due to violence at work. 


The main reason why workers comp doesn’t cover violence is because it’s considered an intentional act rather than an accidental one. For example, if someone trips over a cord and breaks their arm, they would be eligible for workers comp benefits because it was an accident. 


But if someone gets into a fight with another employee and ends up getting hurt as a result, they would not be eligible for workers comp because it was not an accident – it was intentional. 


Injuries caused by workplace violence can have a devastating impact on your life, yet they may not always be covered with workers’ compensation. 


In order to receive the benefits you deserve if these unfortunate circumstances arise, it’s essential that victims seek professional legal help for their case. 


With an experienced attorney at their side, employees who experience violent attacks in the office will get access to resources needed for proving their claim and ultimately obtaining proper coverage through workers’ comp.

Workers Comp Does Not Cover Mental Health Conditions:

As much as we’d like to think that our employers have our backs, there are exceptions to their protection. One of these exceptions is mental health.

As it stands, workers’ compensation does not cover mental illnesses or psychological distress. This means that if you suffer from a mental illness, you may be out of luck when it comes to getting coverage for your medical expenses. 


While physical injuries sustained at work will usually be covered under workers comp, the same doesn’t apply for mental health issues. Mental health conditions can arise from the stress and strain of work, but these are not covered by workers comp.


The law states that an employer must provide compensation for any injury sustained on the job or due to the nature of the job itself. 


This includes physical injuries and illnesses, such as carpal tunnel syndrome or a sprained ankle. 


Even if the injury was due to negligence on the part of the employee, they are still eligible for coverage under workers’ compensation insurance. However, unfortunately this law does not extend to those suffering from mental illness or psychological distress caused by work-related stressors. 


It’s important to note here that most states do not require employers to cover workplace-induced trauma or stress in their workers’ comp insurance plans—and that’s where things get tricky. 


While physical ailments can be easily proven with medical records and reports, emotional issues are more abstract and subjective. This makes it difficult for employees who need help managing mental health issues stemming from their jobs but don’t have access to resources through workers’ comp insurance benefits. 


The good news is that many employers are beginning to recognize this gap in coverage and are taking steps towards offering more comprehensive plans when it comes to employees’ mental wellbeing. 


For example, some companies now offer additional counseling sessions or flexible hours so that employees can manage their emotional well-being without risking their job security or financial stability in the process.


Though there is still a long way to go before all employers provide adequate protections for those suffering from workplace-induced mental health issues, progress is being made at a steady pace. 


Mental health should never be overlooked in favor of physical safety; both should always be taken into account when discussing workers’ compensation benefits and protection plans provided by employers. 


It’s only by recognizing this gap and working together that we can make sure everyone has access to fair coverage regardless of what type of ailment they’re dealing with—be it physical or psychological.

Workers Compensation Does Not Cover Pre-Existing Conditions

If you have a pre-existing condition prior to beginning your job, this condition will not be covered under workers compensation. However, if your pre-existing condition is aggravated or exacerbated by the duties and tasks you must do in the course of your job, then this may be covered.

It’s important to keep track of any new health issues that arise at work, so you can make sure you are getting appropriate coverage if needed. Additionally, documenting changes in your pre-existing health condition is also important as well. This will help ensure that you get the care and coverage necessary if it is affected by your job duties.


It is always a good idea to discuss any health issues you may have with your supervisor, so that they can be aware and help support you. Additionally, contact your state’s workers compensation board for more information on what health conditions are covered.


With the right knowledge and advocacy, you can ensure that all of your health needs are taken care of. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to speak with a healthcare professional or your supervisor. They can help provide the guidance and resources needed to ensure that you get the most appropriate coverage for your health conditions.

Workers Comp Does Not Cover Horseplay

Let's face it – when you go to work, sometimes playtime is inevitable. Whether you're trading funny stories with co-workers or engaging in a lighthearted game of "pranking for laughs," the idea of horseplay has probably entered your mind at some point.

Unfortunately, what might seem like harmless fun can cause serious injuries – so if that happens, don’t count on workers comp to foot the bill! 


Remember that workers compensation does not cover any injuries or illnesses caused by horseplay. 


If you are injured in an accident due to your own reckless actions or the actions of another employee, then it is highly unlikely that workers comp will cover those costs. Be sure to follow all safety protocols and take extra precautions when engaging in activities on the job site. In the event of an injury, you should report it to your supervisor immediately.


And if you witness any horseplay that could lead to injury, be sure to intervene and inform everyone involved of the potential consequences. This can help prevent serious accidents in the workplace.


At the end of the day, safety is key – so don’t let horseplay be an issue in your workplace. It’s important to take it seriously and ensure everyone stays safe on the job.

Workers Comp Does Not Cover Car accidents while driving for work purposes

Commuting to work can be hazardous for your health, but even if you get injured on the way in or out of your job, it won't count as workplace-related—unless you have special permission from higher ups!

Workers compensation does not cover car accidents that happen while driving for work purposes, even if the employee is on company time. 


Be sure to talk to your employer about any specific policies in place so you are aware of how and when you may be covered by workers comp or other insurance provisions.

Protects From Lawsuits:


It helps protect employers from costly lawsuits in the event of an employee being injured while on the job. It covers medical expenses, lost wages, and other costs related to work-related injuries or illnesses.


This includes some types of accidents that occur while travel, such as slips and falls in the workplace, exposure to hazardous materials, repetitive strain injuries, and more.


Medical Expenses and Lost Wages:


Workers’ comp covers medical expenses and lost wages for employees injured on the job. This includes coverage for doctor’s visits, hospital stays, prescription drugs and surgeries. It also covers lost wages while an employee is unable to work due to their injury or illness.


Rehabilitation Services:


Workers’ comp can cover physical therapy and other rehabilitation services needed as a result of a work-related injury.