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In most states, it’s required to have workers’ compensation insurance if you have employees to provide coverage for medical expenses and.

Select Your State

Hourly Employee



In most states, it's required to have workers' compensation.

Federal Taxes

Please enter information about your employee’s federal tax filing and withholding status.You can find this information on your employee’s W-4.

Benefits and Deductions

The addition of employee benefits such as 401(k)s and health insurance can affect how your employee’s paycheck is calculated. Please add any deductions your employee has for benefits offered by your company.

Fringe Benefits

Fringe benefits are additional non-cash benefits offered by employers and are often taxable, which means they can affect an employee’s paycheck and final take-home pay. Please add any fringe benefits that your employee uses that is offered by your company. If you don’t offer any of these benefits, please skip this section.

Special Exemptions

In rare cases, employees are exempt from certain payroll taxes. If this applies to your employee, please select the exempt tax(es) here.

Your employee’s estimated take home pay:
Gross Pay
Income Taxes Income Taxes
Federal Income Tax
FICA Taxes FICA Taxes
Social Security
Pre Tax Pre Tax
Post Tax Post Tax
Take home pay

The information provided by the Paycheck Calculator provides general information regarding the calculation of taxes on wages. It is not a substitute for the advice of an accountant or other tax professional. The Paycheck Calculator may not account for every tax or fee that applies to you or your employer at any time. OCMI, does not warrant, promise or guarantee that the information in the Paycheck Calculator is accurate or complete, and OCMI expressly disclaims all liability, loss or risk incurred by employers or employees as a direct or indirect consequence of its use. By using the Paycheck Calculator, you waive any rights or claims you may have against OCMI in connection with its use.